all of my captions will be regarding the pics above the text...this is me in my room looking dumb
this is me out back in front of all the cages containing the crazy fighting cocks which i want to kill in the mornings with my brother limber
fighting cock!!!
bathroom antonio y limber in the living room
limber in the living room
nice and cozy
my bedroom as you can notice limber is in bascially every pic
tv room? its actually open to the outside so i dunno if its actually a room
limber with underwear on his head mas gallos...aka fighting cocks
my house
my street if you wanna call it that
mountian surrounding my community
my street and my house to the left with the grass
that little path in the back leads up to the soccer field moto many of them
I just had like 3 chocolate things today…need to cut back. That’s pretty much what we do here at PC Peru as a stress reliever, pig out on sweets. I was wondering why I had a sweet tooth in Spain and now I remember. After having like rice, potatoes and some sort of meat for every meal, a chocolate cookie or something tastes sooooo gooodddd. Although I like the food, it just gets redundant. It’s kind of funny I say that now since I still have about 2 years 2 months and 3 weeks left haha.
Anyways, I had my interview with my APCD, associate peace corps director, today. My APCD is my boss basically. He’s in charge of the business program and my first line of defense against pretty much anything. Basically the interview was tot get a better feel of where he should place me for 2 years. He asked questions like:
Can you live without electricity?
Answer: I would prefer electricity but can live without it (I’m a PC volunteer right?)
Would you prefer working with a women’s artisan association which does weaving or men who do fish farming?
Answer: Men, of course haha, who do fish farming. I think that would be really interesting. It’s also hands on and outdoors as well.
Is being close to another volunteer important to you?
Answer: Yes, like 2-3 hours away is fine.
Would you rather live in a small city which is close the regional capital but has no internet or live farther from the regional capital in a large city with internet?
Answer: Don’t have a very strong feeling about this one but would slightly prefer the bit larger town.
Would you rather replace a volunteer or start of new?
Answer: Start off new…no surprises here.
That was pretty much the interview. Said I wanted to be in the mountains. After the electricity question I was kind of worried because I wasn’t really strong in my pursuit of electricity but 90% of business volunteers have it so I figure there has to be one in my group that was like, I don’t care, and he will live w/o it. After telling my host mom my answers to these questions she’s like…ohhh the mountains have a lot of disease and blah blah blah. I’m like thanks this is really making me feel good haha. Whatever, you should see pics of the mountians though they are awesome.
I just had dinner with my host mom and she was telling me about the family’s situation. It’s rather sad to be honest because the mom and dad are separated but still live in the same house. She really wants to leave and take the kids but then the father will not give anything to her for support. There are no laws here in Peru to hold the father accountable for his children. It’s really sad because she works, takes care of the kids and me. I really don’t know what to say to her since I have not been in a similar situation. I just try to tell her that it will all be worth it once her kids are successful and living a good life. What else is there to say? But just try to appreciate the life you lead in the U.S. and the opportunities you have because there are billions who do not have the same.
So this blog entry is kinda choppy bc ive been updating it over the past 3 days. Yesterday we had another sort of community thing. Basically we went around the community gathering info and figuring out what people say and what problems there are. My group went to the health post and talked to the president´s family of one of the directivos or kinda political gropus in town. It was pretty fun and interesting. Also the people here are so nice. We went to a small store and the owner just let us into her house for drinks after like 5 minutes of talking. The whole world should be like that haha.
Today, we went to a small business industrial park. It was really interesitng to hear from the president about what the problems are and why his place is not taking off. Basically he says they are all experts in their business but don´t have the education or the management skills to really take off. Something that we can offer. It will be similar to when i got to my site to work.
This Saturday we are going to lima for the day to learn safety and stuff in the city. Then we have free time. It should be lots of fun and im planning on getting some greasy great amaerican food. Ill keep you up to date. Til then....hasta.
1 comment:
your dinosaur sheets are super cool
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