Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not too much to report…

Not too much has happened since the last time I posted. Since then I went back into Arequipa for a regional meeting. We hung out with the college students from the NGO we are working for at a BBQ. Of course there was a U.S. vs. Peru futbolito game which was won by our team. However, the Peruvians will tell you differently. It was a timed game which when time was officially up we were winning. Of course, here in Peru, if you are losing when time is up against North Americans, the game continues til you are winning, haha. Oh it’s pretty ridiculous. I used to think that during basketball games in the US people cheated. You need to come to Peru for that, haha. Anyways, it was a good time nonetheless. The NGO will be coming towards the end of October to do their workshop on community participation with what we would call the juniors and seniors of high school. What else? I’m trying to start up an entrepreneurs club where I’ll be able to give lectures on business related topics and how to start a business. I’m also possibly going to be given some time on the town radio to do a radio show. Thank goodness I worked at XM and have experience with this haha. I’m probably going to use the time to do some world news, some business advice and of course music. Looking ahead, there is a party here on Saturday which I might be dancing in with costume. Who knows? I’ll get some pics from that. On Sunday, there is a town wide meeting which apparently takes all day. The mayor details his work plan and then anyone in the town has a chance to speak their mind. This seems to be the recurring problem at meetings is that they let anyone speak and for however long haha. I’m gonna try to work on brevity in speech. Don’t know how successful I will be. That’s all I can really think off. Oh, and GO PHILS! The shining light of Philly sports right now.

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